What is "hammered" and why you might want it.

  Hammered ring


What does "hammered" mean?

Hammered refers to the texture on the item. The three rings shown here all have a hammered finish. You can see a slight texture on the ring.

It's created using the larger end of a "chasing hammer."

Chasing Hammer

* One advantage to a hammered ring is that I can make it in 1/2 sizes. Each stamped letter and hit of the hammer makes the ring slightly larger.

* The texture on the ring will also hide scratches that may happen if you work with your hands or don't take our rings off.

The two rings shown below have a smooth, non-hammered finish.

Smooth ring

Whether to choose a hammered or smooth ring is completely a personal preference. I wear both and will sometimes mix them because I like the contrast.

Whether you prefer hammered or smooth, these stacking rings are a great way to wear your children's names, favorite inspirations, or special date.

Find them in the rings section at JustJaynes.com.

xoxo, Cathy

Running Reflections

As my long runs grow longer (I'm up to 45 minutes) I can't help but reflect back on my first run. July 1, 2012. Day 1 of Couch to 5k is a 5 minute warm up walk, 1 minute run + 1.5 minute walk (repeated 6 times) then a 5 minute cool down walk. I remember waiting for those 1.5 minutes walks... they never came soon enough! And now I am comfortable running a 5k and am almost halfway through 5k-10k training. I look forward to run days. As much as I look forward to run days, this next week is a recovery week. Tomorrow I'll run 15 minutes and my long run later in the week is a 30 minute run. (Perfect opportunity for a 5k this weekend!)

Here I am with friends last Friday at Belding's B-Foundation Glow run/walk. The theme is pink, so of course we made pink tutu's! It was fun, my first night run. Had to dodge a couple dead animals, but the rain stopped just in time for the run! Looking forward to it next year.