2 Miles and What I Wore

I'm still on low mileage until my hip is 100% pain-free. I wouldn't even say that it's painful, but something in there is uncomfortable. So I'm on two days off then 2 miles on the third day. 

On the off days I try to get in a little exercise.  On November 1, I started a 30-day plank challenge AND a 30-day squat challenge. Planks are hard and squats are boring. But it gives me a chance to build more lower-body muscles, strengthen my core, and work on some great stretches. Hopefully preventing future injuries!

My sister posted a YouTube video of a 30-minute yoga work out that I want to do on my off-days. Check it out for yourself HERE

As the temps get cooler here in Michigan, getting ready to run takes a bit longer and a bit more thought. More layers, but I don't want to get hot either. Here's what I wore today:

Knit hat, red Nike cold weather shirt, lime green Danskin long sleeve running shirt, leggings under my fleece-lined Champion running pants.

Knit hat, red Nike cold weather shirt, lime green Danskin long sleeve running shirt, leggings under my fleece-lined Champion running pants.

Side-pony and my running belt. 

Side-pony and my running belt. 

I also have a pair of light knit gloves that I wear when it's cold. If I need to take off the gloves, I can tuck them into my belt. 

The belt holds my iPhone, house key, or any other small item I need to carry with me. I don't see many people wearing these, but I didn't want the extra weight or tan line of an arm band.  

What do you wear to carry your iPhone or other device??? I want to know!

5 Miles with Asics Gel Nimbus 15

Friday, I laced up my new shoes and hit the trail! I'd taken 3 days off because of some hip pain. The pain wasn't bad until around mile 4. I was still able to run on it, but probably should have walked the last mile. 

The weather was crappy. Cold (low 40s), windy, and light rain. I wore leggings under my lined running pants, UnderArmor lined long sleeve shirt, thin white long sleeve running shirt, and my bright orange medium-weight jacket. I did get warm around mile 2, but was glad I had the jacket because it was wet from the light rain/mist. It kept me dry!

One thing that I do NOT wear when I run... Make-Up.  

I'm a morning runner, but I do like to brush my teeth and put on some chap-stick before I head out the door.


The new shoes felt good! I did a little research on this leg pain and I think it's bursitis, the IT band (usually affects the knee), or a strained muscle. Whichever it is, I need to get a foam roller and strengthen my glutes, which means squats! I had already decided to do the 30-day Plank Challenge, so why not add the 30-day Squat challenge

In addition to the planks and squats, I did yoga with my sister yesterday. It included some great stretches for my hips and today my leg feels pretty good. The rest of my body is a little sore, which I'm sure will be real pain tomorrow!


Running Necklace.jpg

My new line of running jewelry will be live soon! I just have to re-take some of the photos, then add them to my website.